Romantic King Suite Policies
- Check-in 3:00 PM
- Check-out 11:00 AM
- No Pets
- 100% Non-smoking
- No visitors or unregistered guests
- 48 Hour cancellation notice
Our Rates
**Rates subject to change**Sun.–Thurs. / Night
Year Round: $169
Fri.–Sat. / Night
Year Round: $169
Year Round: $169
- King bed
- Remote controlled led fireplace
- Mood lighting
- Front porch
- Complimentary coffee (reg and decaf), cream & sugar
- Sofa
- Limit two adults
- Bath amenities, including conditioning shampoo, body lotion, soap, bubble bath, hair dryer
- Air conditioning
- Microwave, coffee pot, small refrigerator
- Jacuzzi for two